Release notes

Reporting & Risk Management

Reporting & Risk Management portal


11 Sep 2024

What's new

  • The FIX Message Report has been significantly improved in terms of speed and user experience.
    • Additional columns have been added:
      • Last Quantity - Quantity (e.g. shares) bought/sold on this (last) fill.
      • Trace Id - A field containing a unique trace ID for the trade request.
    • API Endpoints have been updated accordingly
      • POST /api/v1/report/fix-message 
        • Added traceId and lastQuantity fields
        • Removed fields as misleading


09 Aug 2024

What's new

  • Support for the Price filter parameter has been added for liquidity providers (/lp/XXX/symbols).


02 Aug 2024

What's new

  • Maker Order Id field now contains YourBourse internal execution Id for B-Book trades. Previously, it was empty for B-Book trades and contained Liquidity Manager Id for A-Book trades.


26 Jul 2024

Bug fixes

  • The Swaps report shows incorrect data (/report/swaps)
    Breaking changes:
    • api/v1/report/swaps: type of TakerComponentId has been changed to long
    • api/v1/report/swaps/schedule: type of TakerComponentId has been changed to long


19 Jul 2024

Bug fixes

  • Attempted to divide by zero in B-Book exposure report fix.


16 Jul 2024

What's new

Bug fixes


15 Jul 2024

Bug fixes

  • EMIR report: The user's country is determined from the PersonCitizenship field when it's not empty; otherwise, it is from the Trading Account's Country field.


12 Jul 2024

What's new

  • Added a new report: Daily report for MT5. The report allows viewing deposits, commissions, dividends, balances, profits, and spread revenue for a specific client at the end of the trading date.

  • New APIs to retrieve the Daily report data have been introduced.
    • POST /api/v1/report/daily
    • POST /api/v1/report/daily/schedule


11 Jul 2024

Bug fixes

  • Export and import in dynamic profiles work wrong if the default Spread betting parameter is not set (/mt-bridge/XXX/configure/pricing-beta).


06 Jul 2024

Bug fixes


03 Jul 2024

What's new

  • Volume Report:   VOLUME IN REPORT CURRENCY is calculated based on VOLUME IN REPORT CURRENCY (EOD RATES) If available. This allows for efficient volume calculation for FixServer and Spread Betting symbols.


03 Jul 2024

What's new

Bug fixes


03 Jul 2024

What's new

  • Fix Message report: the ability to display STP fix session fix messages

  • Breaking changes:  The legacy Trade Blotter has been removed from the Cloud


01 Jul 2024

What's new

  • EMIR report: added Margin and Margin Free columns to the User export file and API. Affected APIs
    • POST /api/v1/report/regulatory/emir/users


24 Jun 2024

Bug fixes

  • The MT5 Best execution report (/report/mt5-best-execution) throws an error when at least one MT5 gateway and FIX server are selected at the same time.


22 Jun 2024

What's new

  • Breaking change: The Total field has been removed from the responses of the Trade Blotter and Trade Execution APIs due to its misleading nature and client's misuse of it.

    • POST /api/v1/report/trade-blotter

    • POST /api/v1/report/trade-execution

  • Breaking Change: The fields uniqueTradeId and fromCache have been removed from the Trade Blotter Response. Both fields were used internally and were not intended for external visibility. Affected API endpoint:

    • POST /api/v1/report/trade-blotter

  • The error "From must be less than To" that occurred in the Trade Blotter when scrolling down in descending order has been fixed.


24 May 2024

What's new

  • The field uniqueTradeId produced inconsistent results when calling the Trade Blotter
    • /API/v1/report/trade-blotter
  • The execution details section is unavailable for FIX server data or rejected trades.


23 May 2024

Bug fixes

  • EMIR report does not display the EOD price if the number of unique symbols exceeds 3000
  • Dividing by zero exception issue on Exposure by Currency report page
  • The period control displays the wrong date range when selecting intervals in the past.


23 May 2024

What's new

  •  A new report has been added to display the overnight swaps for both MT4 and MT5

Bug fixes



17 May 2024

Bug fixes

  • In certain situations, it is not possible to export the Best Execution report.


05 Apr 2024

What's new

  • Various enhancements have been made to all tables and grids.
    • All tables and grid components maintain the width of columns as set by the users.
    • When there are more records than the table limit, a message appears at the bottom of the page:

      The table shows only the first N rows. To view the complete list, please apply the filters or export the data.


30 Mar 2024

What's new

  • Added ability to search Logs by content and various small UI improvements. 

Bug fixes


08 Mar 2024

What's new

  • The Trade Blotter report's speed has been significantly improved when querying data that is more than one hour old.

Bug fixes

  • Global filter doesn't respect users' option to clear the filter.
  • Top of the Book chart doesn't render the whole series when the series contains a . (dot) character, ie it works for XAUUSD, but it is empty for


04 Mar 2024

What's new

  • Top of Book chart allows the selection of up to 20 symbols to compare rates of different Core symbols.

Bug fixes

  • Several fixes have been made  in the Top of the Book report, including
    • The dropdown filter checkbox is unclickable.
    • The Timestamp dropdown filter is visible on the screen, however, it cannot be used. The filter has been removed.


01 Mar 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some FIX messages were not displayed in the FIX message report for server components. 

  • Market Watch control no longer throws an exception when a core symbol is removed.

  • The period control sometimes shows the wrong date if the 'Previous month' period is selected.


12 Feb 2024

What's new

  • MetaTrader ticks report was replaced with a more generic Taker Ticks report. The new report supports more advanced features:

    • Ability to schedule the report and receive it by email or upload to SFTP

    • Ability to filter data by taker symbol (MT4/MT5 platform symbols)


08 Feb 2024

What's new


30 Jan 2024

What's new

  • A new column displaying the liquidity provider rate time has been added to the 'EOD prices' section of the EMIR report.

Bug fixes


24 Jan 2024

What's new

  • Volume report: A new feature has been added that allows users to view the number of trades included in the volume calculation.


21 Dec 2023

Bug fixes

  • Users with restricted symbol access cannot view their data in the Top of the Book report and in the Market Watch widget.


11 Dec 2023

Bug fixes


05 Dec 2023

What's new

  • Cappitech report now supports CSV file format and time-specific fields are in UTC timezone.

  • The global filter has been recently updated to include support for negative values, which means that exclusions can now be made.
    • It supports three types of filters: Core symbols (patterns), Taker groups, and Taker logins.
    • Negative values must be preceded by an exclamation mark. For example: '!EUR', '!live*', '!5001'.
    • Currently, three reports are available to support this feature: Volume, Winrate, and Trade Blotter. More reports will be added soon.


29 Nov 2023

What's new

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with B-book trades not appearing in the Trade Blotter when a global filter is selected.


24 Nov 2023

What's new

  • Introducing new features to enhance your trading experience with the Market Watch widget.

    • View By Maker or Aggregated - With this new feature, users can now choose to view market data either by maker or aggregated, providing more control and flexibility in the way data is presented.
    • Auto Refresh - We have added an auto-refresh feature that allows users to set an interval of 5, 15, or 30 seconds for automatic data updates. This feature ensures that you always have the latest market data available at your fingertips.

    • Export Data - We have added the ability to export market data, enabling users to download and analyze data offline. This feature provides greater flexibility and control over data analysis and decision-making. The report includes all symbols with the latest known rates, enabling tracking of those with stale or no rates.

Bug fixes

  • The date/time control displays an incorrect time during the transition from summer to winter time and vice versa.
  • Exporting data from the Trade Blotter Beta report throws an exception when no column is selected.


08 Nov 2023

What's new

  • Cappitech report changes: "Originator order ID", "Deal ID", "Maker exec ID", and "Notional Volume In USD" removed. Also, "Hub execution duration in ms" is always 1 ms.


08 Nov 2023

Bug fixes

  • When using the global filter, the selected values are not restored to the last selected ones.

  • Fixed issue with calculating ranges in the floating leverage plugin when adding floating leverage rule tiers.

  • The Cappitech report did not include certain servers that were selected. As per Cappitech's request, there have been some minor modifications made in the report.
  • Fixed issue with Trade Blotter returning values that should be filtered out by the global filter.


27 Oct 2023

What's new

  • New predefined relative periods in period control simplify interval selection. The feature is available in all reports.

    • Current Day
    • Current Week
    • Previous Week
    • Current Month
    • Previous Month


29 Sep 2023

What's new

  • Trade Blotter (BETA): A new report that lets you monitor and analyze your trading activities

    We are excited to announce the launch of Trade Blotter, a new report that allows you to view and filter your trades across multiple parameters, such as date, instrument, account, book type, and more. You can also customize the report's columns to show the most relevant information to you and rearrange them according to your preference.

    Trade Blotter is powered by a fast and reliable API that delivers the data you need in seconds. You can also enable the streaming mode to get real-time updates on your trades as they happen. Additionally, you can subscribe to the report and receive it via email or upload it to your SFTP server at a frequency of your choice.

    To access Trade Blotter, go to Monitoring> Trade Blotter (BETA) in the main menu. You can also find more information about the report in our User guide.

    We hope you enjoy using Trade Blotter and find it useful for your trading needs.

Bug fixes

  • The period control sometimes displays wrong values when the custom relative range is selected.