MT5 Floating Leverage Plugin configuration

To use the plugin, it needs to be correctly installed. First, one must download it from the section “Download “ from the YourBourse portal.

The Floating Leverage plugin file must be put into the “Plugins“ folder on the MT5 server. When this is done, there’s a need to configure it on the portal and in the MetaTrader 5 Administrator.

The floating leverage plugin tab can be found on the left part of the YourBourse portal.

To create the plugin on the portal, there’s a need to click on the “Register a new MT5 floating leverage plugin“ button in the upper right part of the website. 

Then a name should be given to the plugin. After that, the page with the configuration instructions will be shown. There’s a need to follow the described steps. 

Notably, one needs to put the “SenderId“, “Hostname“, and “Token“ values into the plugin on MetaTrader 5.

When it’s done, the plugin on the portal should start to have the status “Online. “

The status “Online“ means the plugin is installed correctly and ready to work.